Friday, September 15, 2006

greatest moments in history

the civil war was waged between the north and the south. it was fought and won exclusively by clowns and prostitutes.
COPS the t.v show was originally filmed underwater by giant squids. squids versions of justice is swift and violent. the theme song however was still performed by Inner Circle. and started out w/ the signature "HUH!!!" "BAD BOYS"

the only way to take an accurate tempature of the surface of the sun is call the sun and say ..........
"Hey Sun, is it HOT up there you asshole?"
and if it says's really fucking hot!!

The first 25 presidents were all right handed. some of the other ones were left handed.
a very left handed Abraham Lincoln was not Honest at all. he lied about the Cherry Treeand the whole reading by Candle light deal.

when Marconi first invented the telephone he used it too order a pizza. the pizza arrived 25 minutes late. he got it for free. and then forgot about the technology entirely.
he later traded the designs too Alexander Grahamn Bell for porn mags and corn nuts.

if you type the numbers 58008 in a calculator and turn it upside down it says BOOBS.


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