Monday, August 14, 2006

200 MPH.................

nobody is scared of fire. everbody is scared of being burned
people who often wear sunglasses have the best secrets
most ghosts are under the impression that they are alone
the only time we feel truly alive is right after the gas light goes on. *******
too have a firm handshake w/ real danger is huge and awesome .
you don't have too watch dynasty too have an attitude
your strongest and keenest sense, is your sense of "embarssment". if you want to test it.........
fart in a crowded elevator......
flossing your teeth is a pain in the ass.
your name spelled backwards sounds like KLINGON
act your age not your shoe size
surrounding yourself w/ killer bees will increase your street cred.
your life is a shitty reality show on U.P.N.
writting FUCK YOU as the subject of an and will always be funny.

******sometimes i'm not sure if i heard some one else say this stuff.
or i heard it in a Silver Jews song.


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