Monday, February 25, 2008

youth sounds like "the carpenters"

i'm not sure much has changed since 1974
my youth sounds like the carpenters
corduroy and polyester are the set for the show
the television hissed out maybe 4 primitive channels
you chased cookies and thought about what Richard Scary knew.
why was he was the smartest ever. he drew pictures that meant something.
cat's painted portraits w/ berets. giraffes drove double decker buses.
i was pretty sure that was all that was important. i figured out shortly after that religion was on the same page. foolish fantasy. maybe jesus, the immaculate conception and noah's ark were inspired by a forgotten Richard Scary manuscript. it seemed as realistic as that raccoon dressed up as Canadian mounted police. maybe the bible would be better played by owls and rhino's.

pretty soon after, i got wind of this dude.

this was free floating nonsense. maybe you thought it had a name.
it sure felt right. as if each line was from your pencil.
i think i felt even more a kindred spirit when i found out he too was a complete
BI-POLAR dickhead, hard boozing and a womanizer.
who would have thought.


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